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The looks on newer gtk versions have been restored. Character encoding detection has been improved. News – January 24 – Bluefish 2. Support for new languages has been added, such as Google Go, Vala bluefish download windows 10 Ada. A regression in the search functionality was перейти на источник, that caused a segfault if a document with search results was closed.


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On OSX filebrowser icons and the “open file” dialog size have been improved. This affects the bluefish-users, bluefish-dev and bluefish-cvs lists. The filebrowser is also much faster with less memory usage, with various fixes and new features. The SASS style language has been added. Next to the major fixes several small memory leaks where fixed.


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It supports multiple kinds of syntax and benefits from an office-like interface, which makes it a bit easier to get used to.