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Program version. You need to select a value exceeding the capabilities of your monitor in increase of 3 Hertz. For example, if your monitor produces a maximum of 75 hertz, then you can try increasing the frequency to 78 hertz.

Therefore, step by step, you can raise the value until you reach the limit of your monitor; in the program folder, start the restart. Standard resolutions standard resolutions are limited to Hz. Users should use detailed resolutions to add other refresh rates; they are mostly useful for CRT monitors and for adding lower resolutions with LCD monitors.

The driver will ignore other resolutions. Additional resolutions will use up detailed resolution slots. Standard resolutions are limited to certain aspect ratios: , , , Use detailed resolutions for other aspect ratios. The horizontal resolution is limited to and must be a multiple of 8. Use detailed resolutions for other resolutions. The refresh rate is limited to Hz.

Use detailed resolutions for other refresh rates. CRU will automatically add a blank extension block in the registry and. Extension block types: Use CEA unless you need more standard resolutions.

Use DisplayID and add a detailed resolutions data block to add resolutions greater than x and Default extension blocks are provided for compatibility with existing overrides.

Avoid using this option. Extension blocks that can’t be read will appear as default extension blocks. If you need to add an extension block manually, importing one of these files will provide a starting point: hdmi.

Export formats:. Horizontal values can still be reduced if necessary. Skype is known to trigger this problem. Make sure to run reset-all. Post: 2. Thank you for making this application, it is very handful! I used it in win7 without problems, but i just upgraded to win8, and your application doesn’t work there.

I can add custom resolutions and everything, but in windows 8 they doesn’t appear. What do you suggest? Post: 3. It should work. Others are using it with Windows 8. What video card and monitor are you using? Post: 4. It worked fine on windows 7. In the list, where i have to choose the monitor, there my monitor appears three times.

Is it possible, i choosed the wrong one? Post: 5. It’s possible you’re editing the wrong one. Each connection creates a separate entry, and there may be outdated entries that aren’t being used anymore. CRU should pick the first active entry it finds, but if you’re not sure which is which, delete all of them and reboot. Then the list should only have entries that are currently active. You can also try unchecking “Include extension block” if that’s checked.

Post: 6. Thanks, i copied the custom resolutions to all three entries, and now works fine. Post: 7. I have an issue not with this tool but rather with my monitor. Any ideas? Post: 8. Post: 9. I have no resolutions added from nvidia’s control panel. The first resolution under PC is always checked and always matches the current refresh rate. I’m not sure if this is intentional or an oddity. Post: I just checked with a p monitor. This happens when the refresh rate is set to 59 Hz when only 60 Hz is defined.

The HD listing disappears when set to 60 Hz. This stops happening if I change the 60 Hz resolution to something like The monitor information is correct.

Real-time is just the EDID directly from the monitor. The EDID override still takes precedence. English American. ToastyX Administrator. Posts: 4, Joined: Sep Reputation: Valdez Junior Member.



Cru download windows 10.Custom Resolution Utility / CRU – Download for Windows 7/8/10


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