Nonprofit Board Members are responsible for the assets of the organization and provide oversight, insight and foresight. They are often compared to being up in the crow’s nest looking out for storm clouds or rainbows. They aren’t in charge of the day-to-day activities, but they need to be able to see the big picture.

No matter if your nonprofit is established or just starting out, there are many sources to help identify good board members. One of the best is to tap into your existing volunteer base. Take a look at your current committees and events. Also look for those who could be great leaders. You can also utilize social media and newsletters as a way to advertise the positions on your board to your community.

Search job boards such as Impact Opportunity or Idealist for nonprofits and mission-driven organisations. Also, you can search within your professional areas to find those who have connections to nonprofits through their associations in the field or companies that give to them. Reach out to those who appear to be suitable candidates and ask whether they’re interested in joining your board.

Remember that new board members, like any other staff member, should be given a thorough introduction to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities. This includes a list of clear expectations regarding attendance at meetings and schedules, fundraising, the responsibilities for which members are selected (e.g. budget management), as well as other policies regarding governance.